Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First date, a pint of beer... and a prenup???

Ok Everyone - let me know if I can check the "weird" box next to this one...

What do you think of a guy who after two dates and a couple of smooches, brings up the wonderful - and not at all awkward - topic of prenuptual agreements? Seriously, what do you say to a guy like that?

1) "um, did you propose marriage to me? Because the hockey game was on and I might not have heard you between goals..."
2) "of course I support prenups - infact, let me prove to you that I am not a Gold Diggin' Chippy and PLEASE allow me to buy the next round of drinks..."
3) "will you excuse me? I have to go to the ladies room with my jacket and purse..."

Sorry Zoƫ, me thinks that this farmer is looking for a wife and checkng you out to see if you have good birthing hips while keeping your mitts off his moolah...

One word: NEXT!

1 comment:

  1. Victoria! Surely this guy deserves a chance, non?

    First of all, you're right, the hockey game WAS on and I was pretty pissed that we had an open net and then BLAMO! The US got a goal. So when my date threw that Prenup Q at me, I wasn't as stunned as I should have been, I guess.

    Still, I think it is a valid question question when dating. At least I know where his intentions are... that he's not in it for a fling and that he is looking for something long-term.

    Still, I'm not sure how long-term I'm willing to go...
